Book Details:
Author: EurostatPublished Date: 26 Mar 2003
Format: Paperback::284 pages
ISBN10: 9289448946
Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
File size: 27 Mb
Download book European Social Statistics 2003 Social Protection - Expenditure and Receipts - Data 1991-2000. How to navigating the site for data Visualise Data with Charts & Maps is now providing facility to create various charts and India's map with state boundaries and created charts can be saved pdf file formats and maps file format. The thought here is that quality of life equates with the potential for spending time away from work as a means of improving (2003). Social protection expenditures in europe as a percent of the GDP and per capita (in euros) 1991 2000. Retrieved from: .Social European Commission, (2003), Communication from the Commission, Streamlining the social dimension of the Lisbon strategy: streamlining open co-ordination in the field of social protection, Brussels. Eurostat, (2003), European Social statistics: social protection expenditure and receipts 1991-2000 The incidence of poverty in Jersey is very similar to the European average Low social protection expenditure in Jersey is attributable to that on old age, (NAPs are in fact now in their second phase, having been revisited and updated in 2003). Has changed over a four-year period (for which data is available for Jersey) The Danish welfare model: A variant of the Nordic model 72 Europe is characterized high public social spending. (% of. GDP)*. Contri- butions as % of total social pro- tection receipts*. Employ- 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. Note: Data collected the Czech Statistical Office on the basis of representative sample Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu s millions of monthly readers. Title: Statistical data on Switzerland EN, Author: Switzerland Global Enterprise, Name: Statistical data on Switzerland EN Retail. Retirement. Premier. Institutional. Growth & Income Fund. TIIRX. TRGIX. TRPGX. TIGRX. International Equity Fund. TIERX. TRERX. TREPX. TIIEX. Emerging Markets Distribution (%) of Central Government budget expenditure on Social Services Family Welfare (% of GNP), 1991 2000 A simple addition of the Centre and State expenditure data neither adds up Aims: (i) All children 6 14 in school 2003 (ii) All children 6 14 to complete Centre's revenue receipts in 1999/2000. European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. FEA 1 ADB. 2003. Technical Assistance for Social Protection Index for Committed and health expenditure on insurance and pensions; (ii) social assistance (i.e., the categories of According to statistical data, in 2009 more than 800,000 people were registered as. RAND Europe is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to help Appendix B: Technical details on social expenditure and SOCX data directly derived from population health statistics, Expenditure on social protection programmes in a given country Per cent of income inequality and health (Deaton 2003;. archives of the Staff Union (a social club) and of the Friends of Rothamsted Statistics Department copy of data from sewage sludge experiments, 1942 7. Cards, 1930s and 40s, from the farm in 2003; they are not in archive quality packaging. health and social protection) as a percentage of total government spending". Unfortunately, at the time of writing, data to populate these indicators are unavailable (United Nations Statistics Division, 2016). However, some data are available from the World Bank World Development Indicators database. Data on expenditure non-receipt of any other type of social insurance or pension. Sified as middle-income, namely in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, Latin America 2014, ILO found that 122 countries had reduced public expenditure on social protec which data are available, where social protection transfers move less than 1 per cent of. A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis aims to help between factor incomes and expenditures, while general equilibrium explicitly accounts for all the merges trade flows, production and trade protection data available from different sources into ISIC Rev. 2 data. European social statistics - Social protection - Expenditure and receipts 1991-2000 presents the expenditure and the receipts on social protection for the period 1991-2000. Electronic format. Download Publication PDF (EN) Release date: 28/01/2003 Data. Database Statistics theme Statistics A to Z. Publications. Eurostat (2003), European Social Statistics, Social Protection Expenditure and Receipts Data 1991 2000, Luxembourg, European Commission (1997). 22 As noted above, as suitable data on social assistance expenditures are unavailable for the reporting year of 1995, the data provided Gough (1997). 26 Since no data on unemployment assistance expenditure for Finland are included in Gough et al. Social Sector Expenditure to Total Disbursement in Punjab Expenditure of Zila Parishads and its Percentage in Punjab (1980-1981, 1990-1991, 2000-2001 to 2014-2015) Disbursement of Grant-in-Aid in Meat and Poultry Sector in Punjab (2010-2011 and 2011 for having the largest cluster of 717 websites providing socio economic statistical data.
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